Pier Luigi Ceccarelli Counselling Psychologist - North West London & Barnet
Psicologo - Fregene, Roma

Professional Qualifications

  • Doct Lang. and Foreign Literatures (Hons, University of Rome, "La Sapienza", 1990)
  • BSc Psychology (Distinction, University of Westminster, 2003)
  • Post-Grad. Diploma Counselling Psychology (Roehampton University, 2005)
  • MSc Counselling Psychology (Roehampton University, 2006)
  • Post-Grad. Diploma Practice of Counselling Psychology (Roehampton University, 2007)
  • Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society, 2007)
  • Practitioner Psychologist (Health and Care Professions Council)

Further Training

  • Schema Therapy (Jeffrey Young, WImbledon Guild)
  • ACT, Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (Martin Wilks, Mindfulness Training)
  • DBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (BPS Learning Centre and Priory Hospital North London)
  • Transpersonal Therapy (John Rowan, BPS Learning Centre)
  • Addiction Therapy (Priory Hospital North London)
  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (Priory Hospital North London and London Meditation)
  • Compassionate Mind (Paul Gilbert, BPS Learning Centre)
  • EMDR (Alexandra Richman, London)
  • Supervision Skills (Certificate in Clinical Supervision, SDS)
  • Foundations of Analytical Psychology (The Society of Analytical Psychology)
  • Foundations of Psychoanalytic Treatment (Institute of Psychoanalysis)
  • Accredited Mindfulness Teacher (UK College of Mindfulness Meditation)


‘Before I went to my first session with Pier I wasn’t convinced that he would be able to help me. 18 months on I know how wrong my initial thoughts were. Pier provided me with a safe space to come to each week, talked with me in a non-judgemental manner and supported me through the toughest challenges life has thrown at me. One of the main things Pier helped me with was learning to appreciate and respect myself- the lessons I have learnt are invaluable and have made a positive difference to my life. I can’t thank Pier enough for his help and would not hesitate to recommend him to friends.’
RC, London

'I have never been good at opening myself to people, discuss my fears and reveal my most private secrets. Somehow, with Pier it was different. Perhaps it was his direct talk, definitely his ability not to make me feel judged, but since the first (maybe the second!) session I was confident enough to talk openly and hit the real problem. Since then it was a constant improvement and It did not take long before I could regain control of my own life'.
AT, London

'I was not entirely convinced I needed Pier's help when I first visited him and I certainly did not expect my visit to change my life. I was frustrated, tired and anxious but didn't really understand why. I eventually fell into a severe depression but was sceptical regarding therapy. Somehow Pier managed to get through to me. He listened without judgment but always managed to impart invaluable advice, leaving me feeling less alone and less burdened by my thoughts and emotions. I feel the most content and carefree I have done since childhood. This is not due to a change in my circumstances but to his expertise and persistence'.
UA, London

'The sessions with Dr. Ceccarelli were fundamental in helping me understand my mechanisms and thought processes better, allowing me to reach a peace of mind and happiness I could only dream of before in a relatively short time. Thank you Pier!'.
EM, London

'After struggling to cope through a number of difficult life events at once, I decided to seek counselling. I was initially sceptical as I viewed the process as a bit self-indulgent. However, now that I've experienced it, I would recommend it to anyone as a great stress-reliever and process for self-reflection. Although the problems I encountered didn't just 'disappear', Pier helped teach me to cope with them much better which helped me not feel overwhelmed. I particularly appreciated Pier's straight-forward approach and the fact that he was even able, on occasion, to bring humour to our sessions which really helped put things into perspective. Also, I was constrained financially and was grateful at how flexible he was prepared to be with me in pricing because of this. I'm very grateful to him for supporting me through the last six months and will feel no hesitation in returning to Pier should I feel the need'.
HG, London

'I had anxiety problems for several months before starting my therapy with Pier. He helped me understand what were the triggers of my negative thoughts and feelings. Thanks to schema therapy and mindfulness, I managed to overcome my anxiety and I now have a much more positive and relaxed approach to life. Thanks Pier!'.
IL, London

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